Sunday, December 15, 2013

The First Foot Down the Hole

If you know the Hansel and Gretel fairy-tale you'll know that as the two children are led into the woods by their parents who plan to abandon them, the children drop breadcrumbs along the path as a means of finding their way out again. As it turns out the crumbs get eaten by birds so they get lost and end up at the witch's house. Yet I believe the crumbs served an important purpose. The act of leaving them behind gave Hansel and Gretel the courage to go on. And so it is in this spirit that I write these blog entries. These are my breadcrumbs.

But I'm not going into the woods. To borrow from another fairy-tale -- Alice in Wonderland -- I'm going down the rabbit hole. I have one foot in now and the further in I go the more I see that leads me further and further in.

It all began with a single event, albeit a cataclysmic one. The attack on the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001. Almost from the very moment I witnessed that event I knew something wasn't right. I spoke to friends about it at dinner parties and kept saying I felt the George W. Bush government was complicit somehow, though I didn't know how or why. It was just a very strong gut feeling. My friends thought I was a little crazy and politely changed the subject.

That was 12 years ago and perhaps it should just be a faded memory for me now like it seems to be for so many other people. But it isn't. Instead, I continue to feel compelled to do research and to watch videos of the buildings burning, people jumping, and then all three buildings sliding straight down into the ground. When I watch these things I get enraged all over again. It's like a wound that won't heal. I didn't know anyone who got killed that day. So why should I care?

I am not a political animal by nature. I am a writer, an artist and a musician. I have survived the usual litany of challenges faced by many white middle-class North American females born in the early 1950s: the insular life of a white-washed suburb, an oppressive male-dominated culture, a half-baked Christian education, a dysfunctional family, women's liberation, early marriage and motherhood. It took me years of mis-steps, therapy and self-examination to extricate myself from the low self-esteem that constantly blocked my efforts at self-realization. Now, at the brink of 60, I find I am sufficiently well-off to consider my life a success. I am not poor, disenfranchised or suffering from any physical or mental illness. There is absolutely no reason for me to join a bunch of Conspiracy Theorists in an unpopular movement to have the official 9/11 story re-examined. And yet, that is where I find myself today.

If you are reading this blog then I suggest you begin by viewing the video made by an organization called Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth. You can use this link to visit their website:

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