Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Meet the Mad Hatter: Jacque Fresco and The Venus Project

The trip down the rabbit hole can be scary. If there are people out there monitoring my Internet research, then they will see where it's taking me. If they don't like where it's taking me, will they do something to prevent me from continuing? I think it's that fear that keeps many people from actively seeking an alternative paradigm.

Jacque Fresco is 93 years old. He has been questioning the accepted reality for decades. Not surprisingly, I had never heard of him until I started my adventure down the rabbit hole. His ideas for a new paradigm seem fantastically utopian, yet he offers us a destination, a light at the end of the tunnel, if you will.

Here is the link to the short movie about his 'Venus Project'. If you are unable to view it using the link, please go to youtube and search for 'Jacque Fresco Venus Project'.


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