Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The American Economy: The Cartoon Version

For those who find the Bill Stills presentation a little too dry, here is another one. Though it's a cartoon it says more or less the same things as Mr Stills but with one main difference.

In Foster Gamble's movie, "Thrive: What Will It Take?" he says quite definitively that there are three families who control the world's wealth: the J. P. Morgan family, the Rockefellers, and the Rothschilds. He claims that it is these three who own most of the world's banks and the Federal Reserve. Bill Stills says the same thing, with particular reference to the Rothschilds. In this 'cartoon' version of the story, the makers refuse to mention the Rothschild's 'for scary reasons', as though afraid of retribution.

I have to admit that this proposition makes me uncomfortable. I'm pretty sure the Rothschilds are a Jewish family, but I'll have to look into that to be sure. If they are, then there are obvious implications I would rather not get into yet. Of course I've heard rumours that the world's money is dominated by the Pope and the Vatican too. And then there's the Mafia. So I think it's dangerous to finger one family or group at this point in my research. I have to maintain an open mind.

Here's the cartoon on the American economy:

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