Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Wizard of Oz as allegory for the story of the U.S. economy

Foster Gamble, in his movie "Thrive: What will it take?" (discussed in an earlier post) gives his version of what's going on with the U.S. economy. Having seen his take on things, I decided to venture further and find other opinions. Of course youtube is filled with them but one in particular stood out for me. It's a movie by Bill Stills that puts forth the opinion that Frank L. Baum, author of "The Wizard of Oz", was not just writing a children's fantasy novel. He was in fact writing an allegory for the story of the U.S. economy. Though much of its message was watered down and lost in the making of the 1939 film version of Oz, the message is still there for those interested enough to see it.

Since I am a writer currently at work on the second book in my fantasy series "Weaverworld" this possibility was extremely interesting to me, especially since I have frequently referred to my book as a modern version of the Wizard of Oz.

It's not easy to watch the Bill Stills movie with complete attention. The production is low-budget (as dissenting opinions perforce are) and the editing is horrible. Mr. Stills jumps from one setting to another, into one coat and then another with such frequency it makes one a little woozy. The narration is long and at times plodding. And yet it seems to be the most complete history of the U.S.economy I've found so far. Here is the link:

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