Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Questioning the Official Story: Is it a dangerous activity?

As I've already mentioned, the event that set me on this journey into the rabbit hole was the attack on the World Trade Centre of September 1, 2001.

In researching that event and what people have said and are saying about it still, I came across a surprising little factoid. The actor Charlie Sheen was once outspoken in his rejection of the official 9/11 story. He went on talk shows and made personal appearances to make his point. You can watch some of these on youtube.

Now I've never been a big Charlie Sheen fan. Nor have I been a big fan of that situation comedy he starred in. He portrayed a nihilistic alcoholic whose biggest claim to fame was his ability to bed women. This character apparently infected his real life as he was 'outed' in the media for being a drug-using frequent flyer in various bordellos. But when you watch the videos you see a different person. A serious, thoughtful person. He doesn't look high or drunk. He doesn't look like the washed-up has-been the media loves to show us now.

Is it possible that Mr. Sheen's troubles got worse after he started speaking out about 9/11? I don't know. But he certainly doesn't talk about it much these days. You can watch his video by clicking on this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyKR2-A0KPU&feature=share&list=FL0R1-A8H4jRvhAby6MJT8Aw

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