Sunday, December 15, 2013

The First Foot Down the Hole

If you know the Hansel and Gretel fairy-tale you'll know that as the two children are led into the woods by their parents who plan to abandon them, the children drop breadcrumbs along the path as a means of finding their way out again. As it turns out the crumbs get eaten by birds so they get lost and end up at the witch's house. Yet I believe the crumbs served an important purpose. The act of leaving them behind gave Hansel and Gretel the courage to go on. And so it is in this spirit that I write these blog entries. These are my breadcrumbs.

But I'm not going into the woods. To borrow from another fairy-tale -- Alice in Wonderland -- I'm going down the rabbit hole. I have one foot in now and the further in I go the more I see that leads me further and further in.

It all began with a single event, albeit a cataclysmic one. The attack on the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001. Almost from the very moment I witnessed that event I knew something wasn't right. I spoke to friends about it at dinner parties and kept saying I felt the George W. Bush government was complicit somehow, though I didn't know how or why. It was just a very strong gut feeling. My friends thought I was a little crazy and politely changed the subject.

That was 12 years ago and perhaps it should just be a faded memory for me now like it seems to be for so many other people. But it isn't. Instead, I continue to feel compelled to do research and to watch videos of the buildings burning, people jumping, and then all three buildings sliding straight down into the ground. When I watch these things I get enraged all over again. It's like a wound that won't heal. I didn't know anyone who got killed that day. So why should I care?

I am not a political animal by nature. I am a writer, an artist and a musician. I have survived the usual litany of challenges faced by many white middle-class North American females born in the early 1950s: the insular life of a white-washed suburb, an oppressive male-dominated culture, a half-baked Christian education, a dysfunctional family, women's liberation, early marriage and motherhood. It took me years of mis-steps, therapy and self-examination to extricate myself from the low self-esteem that constantly blocked my efforts at self-realization. Now, at the brink of 60, I find I am sufficiently well-off to consider my life a success. I am not poor, disenfranchised or suffering from any physical or mental illness. There is absolutely no reason for me to join a bunch of Conspiracy Theorists in an unpopular movement to have the official 9/11 story re-examined. And yet, that is where I find myself today.

If you are reading this blog then I suggest you begin by viewing the video made by an organization called Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth. You can use this link to visit their website:

Saturday, December 14, 2013

First stop on the way: The "Thrive Movement"

I have a girlfriend who's in her mid-60s. She was born in the U.S. and lived there for a good part of her life before immigrating to Canada. She's a kick-ass artist with a wicked sense of humour who loves beautiful things and knows bullshit when she smells it. I adore her so much I even named a major character in my novel ("Weaverworld: Grimsnipe's Revenge") after her.

So we were having coffee the other day and I was telling her how my suspicions about the official 9/11 story are born out by the Artists and Engineers for 9/11 Truth group. She then told me about a movie she had recently viewed called "Thrive: What Will It Take?". She sent me the link and when I got a chance (it's around 2 hours long) I watched it.

This movie is a synthesis of several different ideas. Some of them make a lot of sense and others not so much. But the prevailing message is that the world is ruled by three families: the Rothchilds, the Rockefellers and the Morgans. These three families are, as they say, richer than God. There is an implication that these families are the Illuminati or Elite Freemasons who together are dictating what actually goes on in this world.

According to the film-makers, what is actually going on in this world has nothing to do with what you and I think is going on. That's because the world as we know it (our current paradigm) is organized like a pyramid scheme. Only the top knows what's going on in all the levels below it because it is creating the agenda. The bottom (which is where the rest of us reside), are the drones carrying out that agenda, without any real knowledge of what it is. The agenda is, in fact, to make more money for the guys at the top in order to ensure they remain forever at the top and we remain forever at the bottom. I don't think anyone can deny that this part is true and that the gap is widening all the time.

This film was created by Foster Gamble who is the grandson of the Gamble of the Proctor and Gamble empire. He claims to have gone his own way, though he doesn't say he renounced his legacy in order to spend his time and money busting the rich. I don't know what I think of him. He and his wife (who produced the film) seem like nice people. She talks about the fact that non-patentable natural cures for dread diseases like cancer are being quashed in order to protect the big pharmaceutical companies. This I believe, by the way.

An important component of the film is the idea that everything on earth is based on an energy regenerating system called a torus. An example is the magnetic field that encircles the earth, with the energy going out at the top, coming down around the sides and coming back in at the bottom. Foster Gamble contends that 'free energy' systems with this geometry have been experimented with in the past and each time they rear their heads they are quashed by those keen to protect their oil fortunes. I don't find this the least bit hard to believe. After all, there was an electric car on the market in California decades ago that got quashed.

There's a lot of other stuff in this movie. Watch it and see what you think. If you're like me, you'll want to investigate their claims further on your own. I think the most important thing to do when you're in the Rabbit Hole is to keep a firm grip on your intuition. Make that your compass.

Here's the link:

Friday, December 13, 2013

Second Stop: The Rabbit Leads the Way

The rabbit has a sense of urgency. He's always looking at his watch, telling me there's no time to lose. I feel that too. But in order to proceed I need to know where I AM. So let's start here:

1. ECONOMY: There seems to be something dreadfully wrong with the U.S. economy. The U.S. is one of the richest countries in the world, with a mostly literate population and plentiful natural resources. Yet the middle class is losing ground while the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

Why is the economy on the brink of collapse? Is it possible that it is (and has been) mis-managed? I ask this because I believe it has implications for Canada. Though we are separated by a border, have a Prime Minister and a parliamentary system, we are really 'owned' by the U.S. I mean this in the sense that a schoolyard bully demands your lunch money in payment for his protection services. He demands your loyalty and if you don't give it there could be consequences.

So my question is: Who owns the banks in the U.S. and Canada? What is the role of the Federal Reserve in our current situation? Is the Bank of Canada vulnerable?

2. WAR: We (including Canada) are still fighting wars in foreign countries. Even if we are only involved in so-called 'peaceful' activities, we are on someone else's soil and as often as not we have not been invited there. Our citizens are trained to fight in these wars and are being killed, maimed and traumatized in large numbers.

So my questions are: Who profits from war? Is what we are being told about 'our enemies' the truth? Or are there other ways of looking at these interventions? And why do our young people continue to volunteer to fight wars, be it for 'our' side or theirs? Who really wins?

3. ENVIRONMENT: Despite the fact that we are witnessing (with our own eyes) the destruction of the planet, very little is being done to stop it.

Everyone I know loves animals and thinks they're worth saving. Everyone I know thinks it's a good idea to preserve forests so the planet can breathe. Everyone I know thinks it's a good idea to keep the oceans clean and not fill them with floating oil slicks and garbage. Everyone I know thinks sucking oil out of the planet for short-term gain is a bad idea. Everyone I know is aware that global warming, if left unchecked will lead to disasters that will kill millions of people. And yet, this behaviour goes on and on and on.

So my question is: Who profits from exploiting the environment?

4. EDUCATION and UNEMPLOYMENT: While we should be the MOST literate people in the world considering the fact that most of us have enough to eat and a place to sleep, we are not. More kids are being crammed into factory-type institutions, bullying is rampant, cut-backs in education mean that curriculum is bare-bones and boring for most kids and teacher satisfaction is low. One gets the feeling that if education weren't compulsory no kid would willingly waste his or her time there. More and more lucky kids are being home-schooled, but I understand that that's not a great option either as it doesn't prepare a kid for being out in the world and dealing with the challenges posed by other human beings.

Kids who aren't interested in math or science have always suffered, myself among them. In my generation the education system was grooming kids for jobs in the technology sector. So those of us who were better at writing, art and music were considered artsy losers not to be taken seriously. This attitude eroded my self-esteem. For years I actually believed I was an idiot at math because I kept failing it in high school. Then in my late 30s I enrolled in a distance-education course in high-school math and aced it. In university one of my favourite subjects was philosophy. I especially enjoyed and excelled at Logic, which has a kind of mathematical flavour to it. So there was nothing wrong with me after all. It was the educational system that failed, not me.

So my question is: Why is public education still failing?

5. MEDIA and ADVERTISING: On the news just yesterday I saw that the U.S. National Debt is so high (well into the trillions and steadily rising) that the debt clock has to be expanded to accomodate the astronomical size of the number. Meanwhile TV commercials are still hawking luxury cars, flat screen TVs, coffee we can make at home using little pre-packaged cups, and a host of other products we don't need. This would lead some people to believe that there's nothing to worry about.

So my questions are: Who owns the media, and what are the roles of media and advertising in manipulating human behaviour and maintaining the status quo?

IN SUMMARY: There are probably many other issues that could be added to this list, but these are the ones that seem most urgent to me. So as I proceed down the rabbit hole I am taking these questions and looking for answers to them. I am not doing this to hurt or blame anyone in particular. Though the focus of my research centres on the U.S. powers-that-be, I want it on record that I think the American people are amazing in their vitality, ingenuity and potential to do good for this world. I am especially in awe of the talents of their artists, writers, musicians and movie-makers, many of whom are probing these same questions every day in their own ways.

What I want is to explore an alternative world paradigm by looking at many different sources of information, not just the mainstream news. The Internet offers that option (at least for the moment) but it may not always be so. There's that sense of urgency again!

I get the feeling I have been living in a fog of misinformation, a fog that is slightly drugged so it makes me sleepy and that smells nice so I find it pleasurable. But what happened on 9/11 shocked me out of my sleep for a split second and I thought I saw "the man behind the curtain". This is a Wizard of Oz reference, by the way. Interestingly, there is a whole theory of the economy based on this story, but I'm getting ahead of myself. If you are still reading this, then watch this video of George Carlin's summary of the situation. (Disclaimer: This video contains some swear words. If you can't take the heat then you should get out of the kitchen now.)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

CBC Hot Type Evan Solomon interviews Noam Chomsky on his book 9/11

Is Noam Chomsky telling a little white lie to save us?

Noam Chomsky is a highly regarded thinker whose book "Manufacturing Consent" led the way in understanding how governments manipulate public opinion through the media. So when he came out against the "9/11 conspiracy theory" I was puzzled. It seemed a perfect opportunity for him to prove his point. Instead, he disregards the research as irrelevant, likening it to the pursuit of "who killed JFK".

What am I to make of this? Mr. Chomsky seems to care about injustice. He's proven that he's willing to stick his neck out to speak uncomfortable truths. So why would he be unwilling to speak out against the George W. Bush government in this matter when it seems so clear to so many that a crime was committed? To see him speak, watch this short youtube video:

I'm not sure why Mr. Chomsky takes the tack he does but here's what I'm currently thinking: he probably DOES believe it was a planned, intentional SCAD or "State Crime Against Democracy". He only says it's "unlikely" because he thinks the plan for a SCAD of such magnitude would have leaked out beforehand. He also says Bush's government would never be that reckless because if people found out then the Republicans would be "put before a firing squad", a quaint notion. But notice how he also explains how the American government and all other governments with an authoritarian bent stood to gain from the event with their post-9/11 anti-terror campaigns.

Mr. Chomsky eventually says "What does it matter?" which sounds horribly callous to me. It matters to me and to lots of other people because thousands of innocent people died that day and in the wars that followed. So why would he say that? I think what he wants us to hear is that by insisting on outing the true story of 9/11 we are taking energy away from - and possibly dangerously compromising - work for social justice worldwide. This man is an intellectual who, for decades, has been on the front lines of exposing government corruption leading to the deaths of millions of people in American-backed wars. So why expect him to care about the 3,000 or so who died in 9/11? He has been trying to wake us up for years, yet it's this event that seems to be doing what he could not achieve.

If, as I gather, Mr. Chomsky would prefer non-violent dissent by educated intellectuals who fully understand the issues from a historical perspective, he is right to tell a little white lie about what he really thinks about what happened that day. "Truthers" are coming at this from an emotional perspective and that worries him. He probably fears that the more people believe it was a SCAD the more anger will build up, the kind of anger that could make a population unstable, irrational and hard to control with the usual "everything is ok" spin. Maybe a certain amount of that spin is needed right now to prevent hysteria so that people can continue to think rationally. After all, with the new powers government now has to fight terror "at home", it's not a time to act rashly. Maybe Mr.Chomsky is like the bandleader of the orchestra that played while the Titanic sank. He knows whose fault it is, he knows the ship is going down, but he's not panicking and he doesn't want us to either.

The question is, what would happen if a majority of Americans believed they were lied to not just by the Bush government but by other governments before his? What if they stopped watching TV long enough to do some research? Under normal circumstances they would vote for someone else. But what happens if they lose confidence in democracy altogether? What if they believe their votes are rigged or wasted and just stop voting like some people recommend? What if they find out their attitudes are being manipulated by the media? What if they completely lose faith? The result could be bad for everybody. We need to prepare a life-boat before we jump ship. We need to put our energies into building a new sustainable system, not stand berating the captain for hitting the iceberg. After all, we (the voters) put him behind the wheel.

I buy that argument. After all, much of the physical evidence that might have helped an impartial investigatory body to draw conclusions about what happened on 9/11 was quickly gathered up and shipped off to China to be melted down. We may spend huge amounts of time, money and energy trying to get to the bottom of it. Maybe what Chomsky is saying between the lines is that it's best just to assume they did it and got away with it and then use your anger to try to build a new vision for the future. I am going to give that some thought.

How SCADs Can Be Hidden in Plain Sight: The 9/11 “Official Story” and the Collapse of WTC Building Seven

Building What? How SCADs Can Be Hidden in Plain Sight: The 9/11 “Official Story” and the Collapse of WTC Building Seven

Am I just a crazy 'conspiracy theorist'? If so, I'm in good company

In Toronto in 2011 many well-educated people of diverse backgrounds, including university professors, authors, scientists and others, met at Ryerson University to re-examine the original 9/11 report issued by Washington.

Here is the official website of that initiative:

One of the most interesting speakers in my opinion (and the most helpful in my research down the rabbit hole) was Laurie Manwell, a professor of Psychology at the University of Guelph in Ontario. She talks about what are called "SCADs", meaning "State Crimes Against Democracy". According to Ms. Manwell and others, there have been several SCADs in the the past of which the average person in North America is completely unaware, and the fact that we are not aware is by design.

Here is her talk given to the Toronto 9/11 enquiry.

I want to talk about SCADS more in my next post, so come along and we'll have a look at another opinion.

A review of a book on the 9/11 coverup

5.0 out of 5 stars Delving Into Darkness: A Decade's Pursuit of Truth Sep 7 2011

By Thomas C. Fletcher - Published on


David Ray Griffin in his new book, 9/11 TEN YEARS LATER: WHEN STATE CRIMES AGAINST DEMOCRACY SUCCEED, takes stock of what we know, after the passage of a decade of intensive grassroots research and analysis, about what really happened that day, and of the present state of the 9/11 truth movement - its strengths and its weaknesses, and how it can move forward most effectively. The book is a combination of important lectures given by Griffin in the last few years, revised and updated for publication, and of completely new essays on key topics, such as the strong evidence that the phone calls from the hijacked airliners must have been faked, and the powerful consensus about the Pentagon events that has been achieved by the movement.

The first four chapters highlight the strongest evidence that 9/11 was an inside job and the clearest implications of that evidence: the lack of evidence that Muslims attacked the US on that day (making clear that the ten-year-long series of wars on Muslim nations is morally and legally unjustified); the multiple occasions on which the laws of physics were miraculously inoperative in the destruction of the World Trade Center, if the official account so ferociously defended by erstwhile critics of government like Bill Moyers, Robert Parry, Alexander Cockburn and many others is to be believed; and the extraordinary case of WTC 7's classic demolition, which has been assiduously covered up by the mainstream media and government agencies (its collapse was never even mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report, and the final report on its destruction issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology in November 2008 was fraudulent).

Chapter 5, "Phone Calls From The 9/11 Planes: Why They Are Not Authentic," examines all the evidence that has been discovered regarding phone calls from the hijacked airliners. The phone calls have been a crucial part of the official story of the day's events, purportedly establishing that the planes were hijacked by Arab Muslims and that Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. But after a careful, critical analysis Griffin is forced to conclude that the phone calls were not made from the planes. First he shows that there is no evidence that the alleged hijackers actually were ever onboard any of the planes, and further, that the failure of any of the eight pilots to "squawk" the hijack code into their transponders is "strong evidence that the official story about the 9/11 planes -- that the cabins were taken over by hijackers - is false." He then shows that the calls to Deena Burnett, which registered on her caller ID as calls from her husband Tom Burnett's cell phone (he was a passenger on board Flight 93), could not have been completed because cell phone technology in 2001 was not capable of completing calls from airliners at high elevation. Griffin concludes the calls had to have been faked, and suggests that they were faked by voice morphing, already a well-established technical capability at the time. After examining the claims made for many other calls, including those for Barbara Olson, wife of then Solicitor General Ted Olson, which were the basis for the claim that Flight 77 was still in the air and subsequently crashed into the Pentagon, Griffin concludes that "the evidence that the `calls from the planes' were faked is strong, ... far stronger than the evidence for the view that the calls were made by passengers and flight attendants, describing the activities of Middle-Eastern hijackers."

Chapter 6 discusses Vice President Dick Cheney's changing account of his whereabouts and activities at key times during the morning of 9/11. After admitting on national TV five days later that he had been present and in charge in the Presidential Emergency Operations Center in the basement of the White House before the Pentagon was attacked, he changed his story in November and claimed he did not reach the PEOC until after the Pentagon attack. Griffin shows that the 9/11 Commission Report upheld Cheney's otherwise unsupported second account, which absolved him of responsibility during two key incidents, the Pentagon attack and the destruction of Flight 93 in Pennsylvania. He shows further that much evidence, ignored by the Commission, contradicted Cheney's second story, including Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta's testimony before the Commission, Counterterrorism Czar Richard Clarke's published account of the morning, and reports from ABC News on the first anniversary of 9/11, all of which the Commission buried without mention.

The gem of the book is the seventh chapter, "The Pentagon: A Consensus Approach." In this very detailed analysis Griffin shows that the 9/11 truth movement has developed a complex, broad-based refutation of the official story of what happened at the Pentagon (that "the Pentagon was attacked by American Airlines Flight 77... under the control of al-Qaeda"). He examines fourteen facts which have been established by independent researchers, upon which there is universal agreement, and any one of which is enough to demolish the official account. Griffin argues that the movement should concentrate its Pentagon energies on further strengthening and advocacy of these points of agreement, and avoid dissipating time, energy and trust on a question which has taken up much of these resources in recent years, the question of "what hit the Pentagon?" He shows that this question is unanswerable with the evidence available; only a genuine investigation of the 9/11 attacks will enable it to be answered.

Chapter 8 illuminates the psychology of resistance to the truth about the 9/11 events which is so widespread, arguing that the real faith of the nominally-Christian US is "nationalist faith." The critique of the official story laid out by the 9/11 truth movement is literally unthinkable for many, even for devout Christians whose religion calls upon them to avoid all kinds of idolatry, including nationalism. Griffin concludes that "[w]hen Christian faith is subordinated to faith in American goodness ... it becomes a blinding faith, producing Christians with eyes wide shut."

The subtitle of the book indicates that the 9/11 attacks, in being a false-flag operation carried out by elements of the US government, were a "State Crime Against Democracy" or SCAD, with the primarily political purpose of imposing policies by force upon the country, and that the failure to carry out a genuine investigation, arrest the perpetrators and reverse the policies adopted by the government after 9/11 means that the operation has succeeded. But only to this point in time: the future is still open. Griffin provides in a powerful conclusion (Ch. 9, "When State Crimes Against Democracy Succeed") suggestions for how the 9/11 truth movement can continue to press forward to the necessary investigation of the 9/11 crimes and the reversal of the tragic course taken by the US while under the control of the criminals.

This superb book is written with the usual clarity, logic and argumentative power readers have come to expect from David Ray Griffin, which he has now employed in ten books on the 9/11 attacks. 9/11 TEN YEARS LATER continues his advance at the cutting edge of 9/11 truth, and should be read by everyone who wants to take stock of what the movement has achieved and how to press on into a future in which illegal, immoral wars have been stopped and the country's democratic ideals reaffirmed.

State Crimes Against Democracy - The Article in Full

State Crimes Against Democracy

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

One Canadian couple's legal battle against the banks

Incredible! Did you know that an elderly Canadian couple, along with the Committee Economic and Monetary Reform, are suing the Canadian government for allowing our country to get into debt to the banks and passing the debt on to the taxpayers? You can learn more about it at

What? You didn't know that? Me neither. Why not? Because it's not covered in the mainstream media. This is why it's so important to go down the rabbit hole. You learn amazing things down here. I will have to verify the details elsewhere, but for now here's the video. If it's a true story then all Canadians should get behind these two!

The Crime of the Canadian Economy: A Documentary

Today in the rabbit hole I stumbled across a piece of pure gold. Like a little shining light of truth, it sat waiting for me to discover it.

It's a short 3-part documentary that was made by a retired high-school teacher living in Vancouver, B.C. His name is Bill Abram. In this no-budget film, Mr. Abram very clearly spells out why I was right to think that America's economic woes are ours too. I love his courage, his carefulness and his obvious passion for our country. Since he's obvious retired, I am beginning to see a trend.

Is it us, the 'old' people, the retirees and pensioners, who must lead the way to sustainable change?

Here is the most important video any Canadian can watch right now. (Disclaimer: I noticed at the end, during the credits, there is an offensive note under the 'Music' credit. I don't understand why it says what it says but when I get a chance I will try to find out.)

The American Economy: The Cartoon Version

For those who find the Bill Stills presentation a little too dry, here is another one. Though it's a cartoon it says more or less the same things as Mr Stills but with one main difference.

In Foster Gamble's movie, "Thrive: What Will It Take?" he says quite definitively that there are three families who control the world's wealth: the J. P. Morgan family, the Rockefellers, and the Rothschilds. He claims that it is these three who own most of the world's banks and the Federal Reserve. Bill Stills says the same thing, with particular reference to the Rothschilds. In this 'cartoon' version of the story, the makers refuse to mention the Rothschild's 'for scary reasons', as though afraid of retribution.

I have to admit that this proposition makes me uncomfortable. I'm pretty sure the Rothschilds are a Jewish family, but I'll have to look into that to be sure. If they are, then there are obvious implications I would rather not get into yet. Of course I've heard rumours that the world's money is dominated by the Pope and the Vatican too. And then there's the Mafia. So I think it's dangerous to finger one family or group at this point in my research. I have to maintain an open mind.

Here's the cartoon on the American economy:

The Wizard of Oz as allegory for the story of the U.S. economy

Foster Gamble, in his movie "Thrive: What will it take?" (discussed in an earlier post) gives his version of what's going on with the U.S. economy. Having seen his take on things, I decided to venture further and find other opinions. Of course youtube is filled with them but one in particular stood out for me. It's a movie by Bill Stills that puts forth the opinion that Frank L. Baum, author of "The Wizard of Oz", was not just writing a children's fantasy novel. He was in fact writing an allegory for the story of the U.S. economy. Though much of its message was watered down and lost in the making of the 1939 film version of Oz, the message is still there for those interested enough to see it.

Since I am a writer currently at work on the second book in my fantasy series "Weaverworld" this possibility was extremely interesting to me, especially since I have frequently referred to my book as a modern version of the Wizard of Oz.

It's not easy to watch the Bill Stills movie with complete attention. The production is low-budget (as dissenting opinions perforce are) and the editing is horrible. Mr. Stills jumps from one setting to another, into one coat and then another with such frequency it makes one a little woozy. The narration is long and at times plodding. And yet it seems to be the most complete history of the U.S.economy I've found so far. Here is the link:

Hollywood weighs in

It feels good to know I'm not alone here in the rabbit hole. Hollywood has been here for a while, in various forms. Here's a lovely example from the movie "Good Will Hunting".

Truly subversive advice from Alan Watts

What if money were no object?

A little inspiration for the journey from Alan Watts

The rabbit hole, as I've said before, can be a spooky place. It's full of spider webs and creepy-crawly things and one has the vague feeling of a large malevolent force looming down on one. So sometimes it's nice to meditate on something pleasant. Here's a wonderful antidote to the kind of fears that can control us.

Questioning the Official Story: Is it a dangerous activity?

As I've already mentioned, the event that set me on this journey into the rabbit hole was the attack on the World Trade Centre of September 1, 2001.

In researching that event and what people have said and are saying about it still, I came across a surprising little factoid. The actor Charlie Sheen was once outspoken in his rejection of the official 9/11 story. He went on talk shows and made personal appearances to make his point. You can watch some of these on youtube.

Now I've never been a big Charlie Sheen fan. Nor have I been a big fan of that situation comedy he starred in. He portrayed a nihilistic alcoholic whose biggest claim to fame was his ability to bed women. This character apparently infected his real life as he was 'outed' in the media for being a drug-using frequent flyer in various bordellos. But when you watch the videos you see a different person. A serious, thoughtful person. He doesn't look high or drunk. He doesn't look like the washed-up has-been the media loves to show us now.

Is it possible that Mr. Sheen's troubles got worse after he started speaking out about 9/11? I don't know. But he certainly doesn't talk about it much these days. You can watch his video by clicking on this link:

Meet the Mad Hatter: Jacque Fresco and The Venus Project

The trip down the rabbit hole can be scary. If there are people out there monitoring my Internet research, then they will see where it's taking me. If they don't like where it's taking me, will they do something to prevent me from continuing? I think it's that fear that keeps many people from actively seeking an alternative paradigm.

Jacque Fresco is 93 years old. He has been questioning the accepted reality for decades. Not surprisingly, I had never heard of him until I started my adventure down the rabbit hole. His ideas for a new paradigm seem fantastically utopian, yet he offers us a destination, a light at the end of the tunnel, if you will.

Here is the link to the short movie about his 'Venus Project'. If you are unable to view it using the link, please go to youtube and search for 'Jacque Fresco Venus Project'.